With me to mark the 12th year since the 911 fiasco, is media researcher, television host and author, Barrie Zwicker. At the forefront of the 911 Truth movement since 912, Barrie hosted a show on Canada's Vision TV, called, 'MediaFile'- a weekly, commercial free examination of the media. His skepticism of the 911 Official Story sparked the creation of a multi-part series, "The Great Conspiracy", which launched in early 2002.
Barrie's well-researched opinions and study eventually found its way into the pages of a book, "Towers of Deception"- which included a DVD of his TV series.
Barrie tries his hand at the 911 Game Show- and not surprisingly, does quite well. We discuss geopolitics and the driving forces that lead to the creation of such terror events. Later, Barrie reveals that he is currently writing a new book about the history and use of false flag events- the covert plans designed to create fear and make governing easier.
Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at conspiracyqueries@gmail.com
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or Alan on twitter at @alancomic
Conspiracy Queries is now on stitcher.com and can be heard on SiriusXM's Canada Talks Channel 167 Thursdays 12pm, Fridays at 9am, Saturdays at 2am & 5pm, and Sundays 3pm EST
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